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Record details CANTATAdb ID Species Location CNCI status (score) Swiss-Prot best hit Max. peptide length Max. expression No. of exons Notes
CNT30379709 Manihot esculenta LG12:11530752-11543430 (-) noncoding (-0.004096)- 63 3.39 2
CNT30379708 Manihot esculenta LG12:7026639-7080194 (-) noncoding (-0.109363)- 30 4.22 2
CNT30379707 Manihot esculenta LG12:30105338-30106834 (-) noncoding (-0.024576)- 55 7.97 2
CNT30379706 Manihot esculenta LG12:10590437-10591386 (+) noncoding (-0.028672)- 85 1.67 2
CNT30379704 Manihot esculenta LG12:29731558-29767585 (+) noncoding (-0.0004096)- 45 2.99 2
CNT30379702 Manihot esculenta LG12:28616905-28619559 (-) coding (0.089)- 68 3.54 1
CNT30379701 Manihot esculenta LG12:3820586-3824366 (-) noncoding (-0.004096)- 46 2.14 2
CNT30379699 Manihot esculenta LG12:30203831-30204813 (-) noncoding (-0.170803)- 48 4.64 2
CNT30379697 Manihot esculenta LG12:23568883-23587563 (-) noncoding (-0.0004096)- - 43.79 2
CNT30379696 Manihot esculenta LG12:30298624-30299018 (+) noncoding (-0.0274432)- 36 2.27 1
CNT30379695 Manihot esculenta LG12:30658243-30726159 (-) noncoding (-0.0004096)0.000002 (sp|Q948Z0|TPSD6_ABIGR) - 11.46 2
CNT30379694 Manihot esculenta LG12:4112527-4112962 (+) noncoding (-0.0004096)- 32 5.98 1
CNT30379693 Manihot esculenta LG12:14050817-14060152 (+) noncoding (-0.06144)- 34 19.52 2
CNT30379692 Manihot esculenta LG12:13366791-13374754 (-) noncoding (-0.0004096)- 77 2.73 2
CNT30379690 Manihot esculenta LG12:2114895-2115533 (-) noncoding (-0.004096)- 38 8.9 2
CNT30379689 Manihot esculenta LG12:7061214-7080194 (-) noncoding (-0.036864)- 30 1.2 2
CNT30379688 Manihot esculenta LG12:28379335-28379902 (-) noncoding (-0.11264)- 42 0.89 2
CNT30379687 Manihot esculenta LG12:21552239-21554509 (+) noncoding (-0.0016384)- 91 6.58 1
CNT30379686 Manihot esculenta LG12:14050916-14053535 (-) coding (0.13)- 97 5.22 2
CNT30379684 Manihot esculenta LG12:5092152-5092880 (-) noncoding (-0.0004096)- 36 14.32 2
CNT30379683 Manihot esculenta LG12:30129210-30145544 (-) noncoding (-0.0311296)- 92 26.06 9
CNT30379682 Manihot esculenta LG12:28734751-28735098 (-) noncoding (-0.0004096)- 31 156.21 1
CNT30379681 Manihot esculenta LG12:23322461-23323066 (-) noncoding (-0.0954368)- 58 2.86 1
CNT30379680 Manihot esculenta LG12:23868149-23872110 (+) coding (0.08)- 74 6.56 2
CNT30379679 Manihot esculenta LG12:29538737-29539483 (-) noncoding (-0.0200704)3e-28 (sp|Q9LV85|CPR5_ARATH) 58 0 2
CNT30379678 Manihot esculenta LG12:5807402-5808717 (-) noncoding (-0.0315392)- 57 12.38 2
CNT30379676 Manihot esculenta LG12:23437569-23439504 (-) noncoding (-0.065536)- 56 3.31 3
CNT30379675 Manihot esculenta LG12:20122854-20123281 (+) noncoding (-0.004096)- 74 0.29 1
CNT30379674 Manihot esculenta LG12:11530753-11543430 (-) coding (0.01)- 63 0.64 2
CNT30379673 Manihot esculenta LG12:24021768-24022557 (+) noncoding (-0.012288)- 44 3.45 1
CNT30379672 Manihot esculenta LG12:30145782-30147884 (-) noncoding (-0.012288)- 61 11.16 1
CNT30379671 Manihot esculenta LG12:29736613-29756699 (+) noncoding (-0.008192)2e-56 (sp|A0A2Z5D850|C71Z3_PASSA) 40 11.53 3
CNT30379669 Manihot esculenta LG12:14050817-14060033 (+) noncoding (-0.06144)- 34 9.79 3
CNT30379668 Manihot esculenta LG12:20702362-20703590 (+) noncoding (-0.079872)- 76 6.5 1
CNT30379667 Manihot esculenta LG12:20410385-20435063 (+) noncoding (-0.0110592)5e-48 (sp|P31843|RRPO_OENBE) 60 2.82 2
CNT30379666 Manihot esculenta LG12:6140251-6143633 (-) noncoding (-0.008192)2e-17 (sp|Q9SCY5|KINB2_ARATH) 64 18.27 4
CNT30379665 Manihot esculenta LG12:24685883-24686757 (-) noncoding (-0.0004096)- - 0.6 2
CNT30379664 Manihot esculenta LG12:15242035-15242885 (-) noncoding (-0.016384)- 38 25.63 1
CNT30379662 Manihot esculenta LG12:29537452-29538094 (-) noncoding (-0.06144)- 97 0 2
CNT30379660 Manihot esculenta LG12:9045974-9046305 (+) noncoding (-0.06144)- - 8.91 1
CNT30379659 Manihot esculenta LG12:23390700-23391039 (+) noncoding (-0.004096)- 87 9.53 2
CNT30379658 Manihot esculenta LG12:8908399-8908769 (+) noncoding (-0.0065536)- - 49.44 1
CNT30379657 Manihot esculenta LG12:29198956-29199757 (+) noncoding (-0.28672)- 69 0.8 2Conserved counterparts:
CNT30379656 Manihot esculenta LG12:29398962-29399948 (-) noncoding (-0.14336)- 60 4.63 2
CNT30379655 Manihot esculenta LG12:26711222-26712626 (+) noncoding (-0.0147456)- 57 12.78 3
CNT30379651 Manihot esculenta LG12:19551812-19559174 (+) noncoding (-0.0004096)- - 5.53 2
CNT30379650 Manihot esculenta LG12:1756616-1762349 (+) noncoding (-0.142131)- 60 39.42 2
CNT30379649 Manihot esculenta LG12:28370290-28371608 (-) coding (0.201)- 64 21.31 2
CNT30379648 Manihot esculenta LG12:6140404-6143483 (-) noncoding (-0.008192)0.0000002 (sp|Q9ZUU8|KINB3_ARATH) 46 0.52 4
CNT30379647 Manihot esculenta LG12:10590437-10591386 (+) noncoding (-0.098304)- 85 5.48 2